Beautiful sailing Cat that cruises at 7 knots. She provides space for her crew plus can host the gatherings for the flotilla for group dinner nights.
Lagoon 42 layout
Lagoon 42 has 4 double cabins. Each cabin has a head with shower. The aft cabins heads are the largest. Those cabins are for double occupancy if applies. The mini berths can be used for storage.
Galley is a tucked in U. Personal favorite.
The U shaped galley allows one chef to cook in safety for underway meal assembly or preparation. The counter space and easy main salon access works for chef helpers.
Exterior salon
Comfortable outdoor living space with plenty of for crew and guests. The 42 has an elegant feel
Rear view of dinghy and easy boarding
Comfortable outdoor living space with easy launch and board options for the dinghy
Aft double cabins
Similar size to the forward cabins but seems bigger
BBQ, covered exterior salon
Cover over the skipper too. excellent visibility but still able to talk to those in the exterior salon